~ We will contact you upon receipt of your order to finalize the details for your flag case.
~ Once your order is finalized you will receive an itemized bill via email. Payment is through Pay Pal, but you have the option of using Visa, Master Card, American Express or Pay Pal.
~ Please email if you have any questions regarding the order process.
~ $69.00 shipping cost anywhere within the Continental U.S. **
(**International, APO and residents of WY, AZ and NM rates are higher - please contact for cost)

This exact MFDC will not be duplicated, ensuring that you will have a one-of-a-kind display case. This type of case is available in different styles and stain colors. Please contact for style options.
The upper portion of the flag case holds a regulation 5x9.5 burial flag. The lower portion (Shadow Box) has space for your loved ones ribbons, awards, insignia's (rank & branch) and patch. It is also possible to drill pilot holes for 3 casings that you may have received from the burial session.
The shadow box area will hold either a 4x6 or 5x7 photo. You will also receive a DVD showing you the easiest way to place your loved one's memorabilia into the flag case.
You have a choice of Designer Wall Mounts. The filigree pair shown in photo #1 or the rope pair shown in photo #8 below.
Black velvet covers a 1/2" thick cork backer that holds the medals firmly in place. The display case is fronted with glass. Etching not available on this case.
Copyright 2008 - Military Flag Display Case - Richard Blodgett - All Rights Reserved
Premium display case for a memorial flag or military burial flag and accessories.
The Patriot - $869.00 (please allow 10 weeks)
Military Flag Display Cases - American made flag cases. Quality, handcrafted display cases for: Burial flags – Military flags – Memorial flags - Service Medals and Awards – Certificates - Photos
Stains and Finishes
Available stains can be seen by clicking on the links below. Please include your choice on your order form.
Photos #6 and #7 show metal letters which will be your loved one's initials. Letters are secured in the opens spaces shown below the letters. Specify 2 to 3 initials.
Flag cases, Shadow Boxes and Frames
Military Flag Display Cases